私たちは、あらゆるジェンダーのアイデンティティや表現、 性的指向、人種、民族、言語、神経タイプ、体型、能力、階級、宗教、文化、サブカルチャー、 政治的意見、年齢、スキルレベル、職業、背景を持つ人々と連携しています。 時間的・経済的な余裕がない人々が積極的に参加できないことを認識していますが、 あらゆる形態の参加を認め、促進しています。私たちは参加可能性と自己実現を促進し、支援します。 私たちは皆学びのプロセスにあります。
私たちは、これらのハッシュタグが好きです。#noCodeSnobs(なぜなら、効率よりもコミュニティを重視するから)、 #newKidLove(私たちは誰もがどこかから始めたから)、#unassumeCore(私たちは知識を前提としないから)、 そして#BlackLivesMatter(もちろん)。
In practice:
- We are not code snobs. We do not assume knowledge or imply there are things that somebody should know.
- We insist on actively engaging with requests for feedback regardless of their complexity.
- We welcome newcomers and prioritize the education of others. We strive to approach all tasks with the enthusiasm of a newcomer. Because we believe that newcomers are just as valuable in this effort as experts.
- We consistently make the effort to actively recognize and validate multiple types of contributions.
- We are always willing to offer help or guidance.
In times of conflict:
- We listen.
- We clearly communicate while acknowledging other's feelings.
- We admit when we're wrong, apologize, and accept responsibility for our actions.
- We are continuously seeking to improve ourselves and our community.
- We keep our community respectful and open.
- We make everyone feel heard.
- We are mindful and kind in our interactions.
In the future:
- The future is now.
Please also visit our p5.js Code of Conduct. The p5.js Community Statement is licensed under a Creative Commons license. Please feel free to share and remix with attribution.
Our community is always looking for enthusiasts to help in all different ways.
Develop. GitHub is the main place where code is collected, issues are documented, and discussions about code are had. Check out the development tutorial to get started, or create your own library.
Document. Everyone loves documentation. Help is needed porting examples, and adding documentation, and creating tutorials.
Teach. Teach a workshop, a class, a friend, a collaborator! Tag @p5xjs on Twitter and we will do our best to share what you're doing.
Create. p5.js is looking for designers, artists, coders, programmers to bring your creative and amazing work to show on the front page and inspire other people. Submit your work to hello@p5js.org.
Donate. p5.js is free and open source and made by artists. Help support the development of p5.js through a donation to the Processing Foundation.
p5.js Community Events
p5.js Contributors Conference
While most work happens online, we also convene IRL. We've had two contributors conferences held at the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. Artists, designers, developers, educators, and got together to advance the p5.js project.